What do donation dollars buy?
Donations dollars "buy" services and supplies to help people climb from rock-bottom to be safely housed with meaningful employment, have optimal physical and mental health, and a sense of self-respect and hope and dignity.

How do we know that the money spent by the Outreach Center produces outcomes?
The Outreach Center's track record of success in service delivery is based on national best-practices and proven outcomes. For example, a recent Outreach Center report shows that 10 months post-graduation, of the clients assisted:

  • 86% had consistent employment
  • 85% had stable housing while 14% were in traditional shelters

How many supplies were distributed in 2005 following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita?
729,373 lbs of food, personal care items and medical supplies were distributed to 4,576 evacuees, valuing $1.52 million.

How many people were helped in 2006?
Served 4,044 men, women & children.
Served 520 hurricane evacuee families.
Delivered 165,741 units of service.

What does TRAC stand for?
TRAC stands for Transitional Recovery Action Center which offers comprehensive assistance to help those in need access resources and implement plans to rebuild their lives.

What is the Lighthouse Women's & Children's Shelter?
The Lighthouse is a comprehensive transitional shelter for women and their children, located at 625 N. University in Lafayette.

What is the Well Day Shelter?
The Well Day Shelter provides showers, laundry facilities, restrooms, clothing, and information and access to other area resources for the homeless and impoverished.

How do I volunteer?
To volunteer please contact Sandi Degeyter at (337)237-7618 or email.

Your Donation will Help Transform Lives


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