Christmas Wishes

"Christmas Wishes" Come True For 100 Children Through Acadiana Outreach Center

The Outreach Center along with a dedicated group of volunteers gathered early this morning at Toys R’ Us to help make the Christmas wishes of more than 100 children in need come true by treating them to a shopping spree.

A lot of the children were not only buying toys for themselves, but for their brothers and sisters as well. It’s this spirit of paying it forward that filled the aisles of Toys R’ Us as the children shopped with their ‘buddies.’

The shopping spree was a dream come true for the children, all clients of the Outreach Center. Without this event these children would most likely not have presents to open on Christmas morning. This was such a wonderful opportunity for the volunteers to witness first-hand how you can give someone hope by taking a little time out of your day.

Special thanks to Ascension Day School and Episcopal School of Acadiana for providing transportation to and from Toys R’ Us the day of the event.


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