Goods Distribution

The Well.Mart Closet & Pantry is the primary site for the Outreach Center's distribution of goods. Individuals in need are referred to the Well.Mart by TRAC case managers. Once a month clients can visit the Well.Mart and select clothing from neat & tidy racks, household items, and can also receive an emergency food box from FoodNet, all free of charge.

We like to say it's the Well.Mart - always NO prices!

"In my opinion, they [Outreach Center] are sincere and effective in their ministry to people who have a variety of needs. They have shown themselves to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to them, both monetary and personal."

Pastor Rod Kirby
East Bayou Baptist Church

We need your support...

Each month we use the following quantities of household items in our homes & shelters:
  • Toilet paper - 2500 rolls
  • Paper towels - 1000 rolls
  • Laundry detergent - 750 lbs
  • Bleach - 75 gallons
  • All purpose floor cleaner - 50 gallons per month

Your donation can make a difference...

Have items you want to donate? If you're cleaning out your closet or want to hold a goods drive with your civic or church group, here's a list of what we need:

  • Household items - anything you need for your house we need for ours - linens, dishes, appliances, etc.
  • Food - perishables & nonperishables (please call ahead if bringing perishable food)
  • Personal Hygiene items - shampoo, soap, razors, deodorant, etc.
  • Office supplies
  • Clothing - men & women's coats, jeans, socks, gloves, new underwear and socks
  • Gardening supplies
  • Vehicles
  • You name it, we can probably use it (If in doubt, just call and ask us)

Please call Sandi Degeyter with any questions about donations of goods.
337-237-7618, ext 231

Your Donation will Help Transform Lives


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